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Ecological Enrichment: New Seeds, New Plants, New Ideas

Seeds for the Fall of 2024 7 Aug 2024

A huge array of seeds are planned for this fall along with several new releases of species never offered before. The seeds will be available

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Bird Cherry Meets Dingle Dangle Meets Wild Magnolia 28 Apr 2024

Every plant has its limitations. As gardeners we soon discover how that translates in our own experience with certain plants and how something will grow

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Biological Enrichment Blog 26 Apr 2024

Short but sweet, writings and images on my discoveries in farming, my personal experiences in tree crops in what I call real world scenarios  and

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Seeds -The Foundation Stock for a Fruitful Future

Briana Apricot

Selected Zone 3 apricot seed selection and cultivar with a short flowering-fruit set time season to miss late frosts. Pits are used for oil extraction and for an edible nut. The delicious strong flavored small fruit is produced on spurs in great clusters on trees with a timber like growth habit.

Briana Apricot Seeds
One Plum is Enough To Create a Universe of Flavors

Plums are fascinating to grow from seed both in terms of creating new cultivars far outside what is currently grown and to create a stable population to add to the great diversity already found in North America. Here is a newsletter on this topic.

Hello My Little Plum
An Apple From Seed

Mention growing apples from seed and be prepared to be thrown into the fun section for young children and naive adults part of the library for plant breeding. Yet this is how plant selection needs to done to adapt to todays climate and the need for more resilient apples.

Antonovka Apple Seeds
How Perennial is Perennial Anyway?

All crops have wild relatives. Even people have wild relatives. What about taking the greatest cultivated plant and finding its wild side?

Perennial Perpetual Potato
Recently Harvested Seeds

Acorns, Apples, Apricots, Plums, Thicket Beans. Diploid Potato. Big Hip Rose. Pawpaw. This section contains all the new seeds harvested this year with more to come as processing continues. All the seeds produced at my farm are sold here and nowhere else. Every order contains extra seeds as well as samples of rare seed selections too limited in quantity to sell. All seeds are processed at my farm with great care for the highest woody plant seed quality. Enjoy.

2023-24 New Seeds
Mirabelle Plum

Mirabelle plum represents a rare plum species both cultivated and wild collected for its fruits for jams and conserves. From seed, this species is prolific and useful to use as a seedling fruit tree as the fruit quality is always high.

Mirabelle Plum Seeds