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It is not a common fruit within the United States. There are several grafted trees of it offered by nurseries. At one time I decided
Every year brings in new plants and animals at my farm. Here are a few of them captured in a moment of time most of
One of the great mysteries of growing annual fruiting or vegetable plants is why there are so few self seeders in the lot. Finding species
Red Mulberry is a species mulberry known for its persistence in southern and central North America. It often hybridizes. This one comes from known progeny on my farm originally from Missouri. It produces very uniform seedlings plus has additional hardiness.
Red Planet represents the hybrid population of Dunbarii plum. This is a natural cross of beach and the American plum. It can be grown from seed or grafted as a clonal selection. Heavy yields are produced from a slightly stoloniferous selection. With clean fruit and foliage makes this an ideal fruiting plant for organic production. Per 100 seeds packet.
American Holly is a large selection of varieties all of which are grafted or rooted for landscape use. I enjoyed finding these varieties but was left wondering if there was more to the plant other than being a cultivar. Being in Michigan any broadleaf evergreen that doesn't go to toast when the wind picks up at minus 20 F is a good plant for me. Such began my quest for creating this wonderful seed source.
Beach plum contains huge diversity. Always free of disease and insects, it is delicious fresh. As a wild crop, I found it more productive and reliable than the American plum.
I have always been fascinated by rose hips. I knew they were high in vitamin C. What I didn't know was where do they come from? It turns out that no one one cultivates roses for their hips. So I got busy in the early 80's and created Big Hip by selecting from over 20 species. From seed this is the most productive and flavorful species.
Mirabelle plum represents a rare plum species both cultivated and wild collected for its fruits for jams and conserves. From seed, this species is prolific. Immune to black knot and insects, the trees flourish in Michigan. Distinctive in flavor for processing from jam to syrup.