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Arnold Buckeye Seeds

200 Nuts, ARBU_S-200 $180.00 Out of stock


Arnold buckeye represents a natural seedling hybrid of yellow and red buckeye found in the Arnold Arboretum. Trees are generally small, compact and sometimes columnar or pyramidal in shape. When I first found about this hybrid, I knew of the varieties from it, but was unaware if you could grow it from seed to create a hybrid swarm type of population where the seedlings would 'even out' over time. That did work. In my nursery, buckeyes were not popular plants. As a result I quit growing them. However, over time the trees I planted out back took on a life of their own as they slowly became shaded with the black walnuts I planted. This did not matter and to this day the trees are crowded by pawpaw on one side and black walnuts on the other. The buckeyes keep on flowering and fruiting and have a nice form to them even in light shade. 

The spotted yellow and red flowers are distinct and beautiful often showing up early in the spring. The conkers or nuts are small and dark brown. Really quite beautiful on their own. Its hard to resist not picking them up. They ripen early in August. 

This is a good tree for mixed plantings and could easily be used for windbreaks, urban trees under power lines, ornamental tree for your front lawn as well as locations where trees are difficult or impossible to establish. Arnold buckeye like other buckeyes have an amazing root system with plenty of root hairs. As a result it doesn't need a lot of soil to survive. This hybrid is not fast growing though but does begin flowering in 4-8 years from seed when the trees are only 3-5 ft. tall even from seed. Selections could easily be done with this hybrid but I am going with the seed approach as the plants are uniform to produce this way. Further grow outs to create a stabilized species would be very easy. 

Varietal:  "Conker-o-Plenty"  Selected seedling with the most vigor, dense flowering and nut production. The pyramidal small tree with a central leader makes it an ideal street tree as well as a means to create a greater hybrid swarm for a seedling strain. Worth establishing just for the conkers. Foliage stays on through the summer with little or no anthracnose.  For a small tree, the nut production is incredibly high with this selection partly because of the dense branching and heavy flowering. 

Plant Specs
Genus & Species Aesculus x arnoldiana (flava x pavia)
Seed Source Michigan
Hardiness minus 30F
Height (ft) 10-20 ft. height and width from 5-15 ft. Some trees rather columnar or pyramidal.
Pollination Requirements Self fruitful. Can cross with other red buckeye selections if you want further hybrids of a more dwarf tree or left as is.
Soil Wide range of soils from clay, wetland to dry sand. Acidic or alkaline. Loam or clay loam.
Climate Zone 4-9. Does better in the northern part of its range but much better than the European buckeye in the south.
Ease of Cultivation This is one of the best trees for growing direct from seed. Seeds are perishable and decay quick even faster than chestnut. They tend to ferment so careful attention to moisture if stored in the refrigerator is needed. Seed grown plants are incredibly durable and can be planted in the fall of the year they are started. The roots are like a thick carrot and store a ton of energy for the tree.