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Schubur Oak Acorns

200 Acorns, SCHB_S-200 $240.00 Out of stock
currently unavailable White Oak selections specifically made for heavy acorn production

The most productive of the Schuettes type of oaks producing over 40 pounds of acorns on a 3 inch diameter tree. The branches support dense clusters of acorns, causing them to bend from the weight. Tree shape tends to have a more rounded crown compared to schuettes oak. The young trees develop a thicker crown density as well. Most of these plant discoveries were the result of selecting shuettes oaks or swamp white oak crosses with unique leaf patterns that hinted and sometimes shouted of their parental backgrounds. Many of these were put into my plantings over 30 years ago. At that time, most of my "field of possibilities" was just developing and the plants at first were wind whipped at the top of the hills I was planting them at. I began limbing many of them up to improve their stature. That was not the best idea as removing the lower branches delayed fruiting quite a bit with this species hybrid. Since then many of the trees are heavy producers but need some acorn weevil control. In general, schubur will cross with other white oaks and is a kind of universal go to for acorn production of an all indigenous North American natural hybrid. 

Varietal selections will be listed here as trees are imaged and described in more detail in 2022 and 2023.

Plant Specs
Genus & Species Quercus x schuettei x macrocarpa
Seed Source Michigan, originally from my farm but also Illinois
Hardiness minus 30F
Height (ft) 60
Width (ft) 40