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Siberian Crabapple Seeds - 'Mountain Kyebang-san'

1000 seeds, SICR_S-1000 $180.00 Out of stock

currently unavailable The Mountain Kyebang-san from South Korea represents one of the harshest environments in South Korea. Over 5000 ft. tall many species of plants found there are not found anywhere else. It is also home to one of the most common crabapples where its subspecies mandshurica thrives. This crabapple is high in many phyto-nutrients and is considered one the healthiest apples. It also is one of the smallest crabapples at my farm rarely getting above pea size. The perfectly pristine foliage that emerges early in the spring stays green and healthy throughout the summer. It has a medium growth rate and makes up a almost perfectly round crown. I planted this near some walnuts where they are thriving today. The bright white flowers are then followed by small red fruits in mid September and stay on the tree until the birds eat them off. The tree can be grown from seed and rarely hybridizes. The tree also can be used for rootstock and is considered one of the hardiest apples in the world. It is easy to grow and tends to favor pruning which opens up the center to light and air and then increases fruit set. Fruit sed is done all along the outside branches and spurs within the tree. Anyone can grow this apple even if not in apple country. It is similar to Malus pumila in some ways. But "Mountain Kyebang-san" is a distinctive form which is smaller and more compact. It also produces a lot of fruit. I think the fruit could be processed for syrups which would then be mixed into cider to enhance its flavor as well as its health benefits.

Plant Specs
Genus & Species Malus baccata var. mandshurica
Seed Source Michigan originally South Korea
Hardiness -40F or more
Height (ft) After 30 years or so, mine have topped out at 30 ft. with a rather condensed rounded crown to 20 ft. diameter.
Pollination Requirements Self fertile-doesn't overlap usually with other apples as it flowers early.
Soil A wide variety of soil types including clay and sand. Likes dry soils with hot summers and cold winters.
Climate Zone 2-7 or 8
Ease of Cultivation Slow in growth this selection fruits at a young age once the trees reach 6-10 ft. tall and have a 2 inch caliper or less. The small fruit is tedious to harvest but can be processed using a steaming and extracting the rich bioflavonoids and ascorbic acid. This could be a good jelly plant and is an easy tree to get to produce. Some trees appear to flower and fruit on young precocious trees. It comes true from seed and can be used as a rootstock for apples as well imparting hardiness on the variety.