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Mammoth and Gargantuan Tree Junipers

Mammoth-100 Cuttings, MGJU_C-100 $320.00 Out of stock


currently unavailable  Mammoth and Gargantuan represent new tree selections of an old horticulturally rich genus of cultivars of both hybrids and species of the Chinese juniper. Rather than compact, pyramid, twisted, dwarf or any other odd shape or form, these two selections represent large vigorous trees with fast growth and dense foliage on wide angled limbs. Trees will ultimately reach 50-60 ft. tall easily. This form is not represented with today's cultivars of which most are dwarfs and shrub like. 

The foliage is not prickly like most junipers. Immune to cedar apple rust and juniper blight the plants show no winter damage and are likely hardy into zone 3.  These two selections were found as seedlings of a large grow out of juniper seeds. A few seedlings showed dark green foliage color as well as not being prickly and showing excellent vigor. Each tree represents the fastest of the selections with bright green foliage all through winter with no chance of bronzing due to wind or cold. 

Rooting tests have not been done yet but are planned for fall of 2022. Both selections are male trees with no fruit. The rooting or lack thereof will give a means to propagate it as a clonal variety for distribution. Cuttings will then be made available with directions for rooting. Without rooting, then the cultivars have to be grafted which may decrease the vigor which would then likely deep six the varietal selections if they are weak on a root stock. 

Both Mammoth and Gargantuan could easily be grown as wind break and ornamental trees where no fruit is desired and dense wide spreading branches are needed to create both privacy and to filter wind movement. The trees could easily create a lumber or wood of great use. The selections need pruning to limb up to create a more uniform trunk. The caliper of the trees develop quickly making it a very well rooted tree in a short period of time. 


Plant Specs
Genus & Species Juniperus chinensis or hybrid with sabina or virginiana. Not possible to know exactly.
Seed Source Michigan-Grown from cuttings-No seeds are produced.
Hardiness minus 30 F or more
Height (ft) 50-60 ft. tall and half as wide. Tall broad pyramidal shape but not compact.
Pollination Requirements Likely both are male selections with no fruit. Blossoms are male only so far after 30 years. Dioecious species.
Soil Widely adaptable to many variations. Probably not a wetland plant, but certainly sand, rock and clay are not a problem. One of the reasons this species is used in the landscape trade so much.
Climate Zones 3-9
Ease of Cultivation Once rooted this species is essentially immutable. Some browsing by deer but normally it does not happen every year No disease or insect damage on the foliage. Fast growth with these selections and rooting is also fast into the surrounding soil. Very drought and wind tolerant. More could be done to get these into areas where few evergreen trees exist.