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Glaskins Perpetual Rhubarb Seeds

20000 Seeds, GPRH_S-20,000 $320.00 Out of stock


sold out Easy to grow from seed. Plant 1/4 -3/8 inch deep. Seeds will sprout in 7-14 days.  No dormancy is required and you can direct seed in the permanent location. Plants can be harvested in the 2nd or 3rd year from seed. Seeds were collected from plants on our farm with the most vigor. We have found that prevention of flowering increases root mass as well. 

What is it about this stem?  It is unlike any other fruit and yet it is not a fruit. This selection has one of the lowest oxalic acid levels meaning not quite as tart and teeth rattling as some. Generally the seed grown rhubarbs tend to be more green in color and not as large in stem diameter. The less red also means the lower oxalic acid level. The mature plants will show their true colors and become more green like with age. Young plants often show more red coloration and this is not indicative of what the plant will look like when it matures. There is some red ones mixed in our plantings and this is normal and we cannot guarantee the exact color of the seed grown plants. 

These have roughly a 60 percent germination which is pretty good for this strain.  The seeds have been prewashed and winged to some extent in our seed processor so they are easy to plant. 

Plant Specs
Genus & Species Rheum rhabarbarum
Seed Source Michigan
Hardiness -35F and likely more.
Height (ft) 2-3
Width (ft) 2-4
Pollination Requirements Needs cross pollination if you want viable seed for seed propagation so any two plants would work.
Soil Does well in muck and rich high organic soil.
Climate Zone 3 easy - Zone 7 Best in cold climates.
Ease of Cultivation Easy to grow from seed. Takes 2-3 years to really get the root mass large enough to harvest from. Use high organic fertilizers like decomposed cow manure to increase the vigor and yield of the plants. Somewhat shade tolerant.