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Lecont Pear Seeds

1000 seeds, LEPE_S-1000 $180.00 Out of stock
Heavy Fruiting Wild Pear Cross from Michigan

The variety ‘Keifer’ and ‘Le Conte’ came from this cross and are also considered 'pie pears'. Selections of Lecont pear come from trees at my farm that are noted for their heavy yields of small fruit 1/2 to 1 inch sized fruit. These trees are super productive and show no disease or insect problems. The fruit characteristics are such that it is not really an edible pear off the tree. They are high in astringency and incredibly tart. When they break down as they ripen, the fruit mellows but still requires additional sugar to remove the ascorbic tartness. The fruit is filled with grit cells and to remove that requires a good blender which will smooth out the texture. In the end the flavor is much like a wild or storage pear that require a breakdown fully before eating.   

Enjoy its beautifully rich autumn color of reds and purples.  Produces uniform seedlings that could potentially be used as rootstock or better quality fruit with no spray. This is an excellent fruit producer for birds and deer. Trees maintain a strong central leader and can be pruned up. The hybrid vigor of this strain is quite good and easily produce cultivars for fruit and timber too. Further grow outs in larger numbers are needed to create a new flavor profile in pears. 

Plant Specs
Genus & Species Pyrus x lecontei
Seed Source Michigan, 2nd-3rd Generation
Hardiness -30F
Height (ft) 60
Width (ft) 20-30
Pollination Requirements Self fertile.
Soil Adaptable to a wide range of soils.
Climate Zone 3-8
Ease of Cultivation As a rootstock or using it as a fruit producing tree for wildlife, this is one durable species hybrid. Everytime I would go to collect, if I waited too long the fruits would all be eaten by migratory birds going through my orchard. It was astounding the amount of fruit they would eat once it is bletted. The seeds are also consumed by red squirrels and they do nest in the orchard too. There are some very nice flavors found within the fruit once processed with sugar but in general the fruit is quite astringent eaten fresh off the tree.