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currently unavailable Very Hardy Northern Seed Strain-Low Tannin Acorn with..
Bartram oak represents naturally occurring hybrid swarms between red oak and willow oak found mostly..
currently unavailable Beadles oak represents the southern range of swamp chestnut oak and white oak ..
currently unavailable One of the great benefits of producing trees is to find un..
currently unavailable "Blue Ribbon" was a discovery by Kansas tree farmer David Pabst who was in the..
currently unavailable One of the great joys of owning a nursery is to discover new sources of seeds...
currently unavailable Excellent Acorn Production on a Small Tree One..
currently unavailable Oak for Hot, Dry and Cold Areas-Tree Like Habit-Thick Green Leaves..
currently unavailable Chinkapin oak represents one of the most widely dispersed oaks in North Americ..
currently unavailable The Cottam Bur Oaks I originally received were originally grown from Cla..
Currently unavailable Shrub Oak -Heavy Early Acorn Production Dwa..
currently unavailable This particular strain of hybrid oak has its origins in a breeding program by ..
Fastigiate and columnar oaks represent a large number of hybrid and species oaks that individuals ha..
currently unavailable Hungarian oak represents a widespread species of oak found in southeastern Eur..
currently unavailable Jack's oak represents a unique species of oaks developed or found from crosses..