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Large Acorn Selection with Mildew Immune Leaves Sargent oak is a well known hybrid chestnut..
Bebbs oak is a common hybrid found within the ranges of bur and white ..
Chestnut oak is the most adaptable northeastern oak in terms of soils. It is also surprisingly adapt..
Fastest Growth - Heavy Acorn Production - Large Acorns This is the fastest growing oak tree at my..
Chinese cork oak is a hardy species of oak from Japan, China and Korea. The corky bark, straig..
Selected seedling of Ooti oak selected for high yielding and vigorous tree with strong upright form ..
High Yielding Oak for Acorn Production-Regularly Produces Acorns even in MichiganThis is one o..
Nuttall oak represents a southern red oak species that is distributed throughout south ..
Nutty Tasting Acorn with Low Tannin and a Distinctive Delicious Flavor without Leaching One of th..
This was one of the first selections of oak that was produced at my farm for a low tannin acorn. The..
Oriental White Oak represents a species oak used for its edible acorns as well as floor..
Bartram Oak-Cultivated Seed Source-Population of Quercus x heterophy..
Vigorous Growing Species Oak-Large Acorns-Northern Seed Selection True to Type From c..
Currently unavailable: Fast Growing Hybrid Oak-Good Acorn Pro..
currently unavailable This unique oak tree is found in the mountains of northern Africa. It is one o..