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A huge array of seeds are planned for this fall along with several new releases of species never offered before. The seeds will be available as usual on line only and at this website. American persimmon will be collected and processed and in bulk this year along with different species of pears and chestnuts. The …
Every plant has its limitations. As gardeners we soon discover how that translates in our own experience with certain plants and how something will grow or not grow in our own landscapes. Here are a few of my personal discoveries of which each is related in some way. Each species has a place on my …
Continue reading “Bird Cherry Meets Dingle Dangle Meets Wild Magnolia”…
Short but sweet, writings and images on my discoveries in farming, my personal experiences in tree crops in what I call real world scenarios and how to expand the horizons of ecological thinking as it relates to healthy food and a healthy world. Click below to sign up. biologicalenrich.blog Biological enrichment blog was started in …
What is it that you want in life? Every morning I follow a certain routine. I start by feeding the birds. I go to my garage, get out the mixed sunflower seeds, grab a few ears of corn and put the mixture in three different bird feeders stationed around the house. I throw the corn …
All plants have an extremely large potential for change far greater than our imagination of what we think is possible. Modern plant breeding goals are almost always incredibly tiny and parceled out in super small characteristic level based doses. There is never going from point A to point B and wrapping it up. There is …
I’m not sure where I received the acorns of this species. In the beginning, I was part of a network of what I loosely defined as oak obsessed individuals with a love for all things Quercus. Yes. Whacky edible acorn people were part of this group. Everyone contributed. I do remember getting two attempts of …
Once I hired a someone for my shipping and packing crew who always came to the farm in the morning with the same breakfast. He would first open a package of Ding Dongs on the packing table in front of him and then follow it by cracking open a Diet Pepsi. This combination was …
I love beans. It is my favorite protein source. I am particularly fond of red lentils as they are very digestible and quick to cook. When someone brought up lentils in one of my agricultural classes in the late 1970’s the professor joked, “What are those? Beans grown during lent?” He then followed up with …
For me it is impossible not to check out the apricots in the produce section of my local grocery store. I know they are from California. I know that the flavor is iffy and not tree ripened. I still have to try. Several times I have ordered the organic Frog Hollow Farm apricots from …
In the process of trying to define a wild potato, I began to wonder how botany would characterize a well-known crop plant found as a wild plant growing outside of cultivation. Botany is good at defining plants in very subjective terms. Consider the following terms I found from a few of my reference books. Escaped, …
Continue reading “A Potato Escapes Cultivation and Becomes Feral”…