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Ecological Enrichment: New Seeds, New Plants, New Ideas

Wild Strawberry Fields 13 Feb 2025

When my sister helped me pick wild strawberries at our family farm over 50 years ago, I realized that not everyone likes to be hunched

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One Cup of Green Tea Please 13 Feb 2025

I love tea. I do drink coffee but tea is my favorite. Even in college I drank tea with my college roomates. Lets have tea

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A-Salading We Shall Go-Violets 13 Feb 2025

The whole Viola genus is filled with wonderful fragrance, flowers and food yet rarely used as a source as perennial greens. That was my quest

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Seeds -The Foundation Stock for a Fruitful Future

Briana Apricot

Selected Zone 3 apricot seed selection and cultivar with a short flowering-fruit set time season to miss late frosts. Pits are used for oil extraction and for an edible nut. The delicious strong flavored small fruit is produced on spurs in great clusters on trees with a timber like growth habit.

Briana Apricot Seeds
One Plum is Enough To Create a Universe of Flavors

Plums are fascinating to grow from seed both in terms of creating new cultivars far outside what is currently grown and to create a stable population to add to the great diversity already found in North America. Here is a newsletter on this topic.

Hello My Little Plum
A Great Apple From Seed

You can find within the apple complex a huge array of diversity including some exceptionally cold hardy selections used for jelly and rootstocks. Such is the case for Kerr. Originally bred and released as a grafted apple from Manitoba in the 1950's this seed source was also grown from seed in some of the coldest regions in Canada. Originally from Lawyers Nursery, I winnowed out the most vigorous trees to create my planting. Per 1000 seeds packets.

Kerr Crabapple Seeds
Seed Selections for Plums

Using a wide variety of plums helps increase yields and overall success of your plum planting. This last year, I focused on beach plum and its natural hybrids with the highest yields. The cleanest fruiting selections along with immunity to insects and diseases make this a perfect fruit for organic production especially for processing. Decades in the making this is not your average plum seed strain. 300 seeds per packet. Enough to do an acre.

Ecos Beach Plum Seeds
A Rose By Any Other Name

I have always been fascinated by rose hips. I knew they were high in vitamin C. What I didn't know was where do they come from? It turns out that no one one cultivates roses for their hips. So I got busy in the early 80's and created Big Hip by selecting from over 20 species. From seed this is the most productive species even from seed. It also is the most tastiest with a smooth texture and dark red color. Per 1000 seeds.

Big Hip Rose
Mirabelle Plum

Mirabelle plum represents a rare plum species both cultivated and wild collected for its fruits for jams and conserves. From seed, this species is prolific. Immune to black knot but most insects, the trees flourish on my full zone 5 location. Distinctive in flavor and worth growing for processing from jam to syrup.

Mirabelle Plum Seeds