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Root Crop Collections


Selected collections and selections of my most popular and useful root crops. Not always in stock and fluctuates due to production limitations. Added in availability after harvest in the fall in November.  No international shipping or orders will be accepted including Canada. Like the seeds, root crop collections are not available for pick up direct at the farm. No more small packets are available. 

Perennial Perpetual Diversity Potato Tubers -Seeds

Perennial Perpetual Diversity Potato Tubers -Seeds

 Selected for hardiness in the ground as well as fruitfulness for true seed production of Peren..



Tranquility Potato

Tranquility Potato

 Selected seedling from an heirloom blue potato known for high yields and great flavor.This sel..



Crispy Snack Hog Peanut Seeds

Crispy Snack Hog Peanut Seeds

Excellent Nitrogen Fixing Plant For the Shade of Other Trees and Shrubs This is a selected hog pe..



ECOS Purple Potato

ECOS Purple Potato

  The Ecos purple potato shows good frost resistance in the ground and naturally produces ..



Feral Potato Tubers

Feral Potato Tubers

A species level selection based on persistence in field conditions with cold and winter hardiness wh..



Tiger Nuts-Tiger Almond-Chufa

Tiger Nuts-Tiger Almond-Chufa

Annual Tropical Grass Species with Nutritious and High Oil Tuber-Early Selection for Northern Climat..

