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Foundation Seed Stock: Ecos Selections

September 22, 2021

Starting this fall I will make available new seeds from my farm. These will be packaged for the person who wants to create the same seed lines that I have generated and improved on over the last 30 plus years. These can be used freely  as is or for the development for cultivars. It can be for both food production as well as the generation of nursery stock.  They will be offered in bulk lots only. (No more seed packets.)  Each seed line is different based on the plant and the characteristics I was searching for when I first started my nursery. It started with the oaks and hickories and eventually worked its way down to corn and potatoes. Starting September 1st, more seeds will be put up once the harvest is in and processed. The Precocious hazelnut seed nuts are currently up to purchase under the heading  FOUNDATION SEED STOCK under Seeds from Our Farm.  To contact me further about the germination requirements please email me direct kasmus@oikostreecrops.com. Yes. A new website will be up by January. This will feature more information on the plants I have developed, germplasm repository and other creative endeavors. To see daily posts of my farm check out my Instagram   #oikostreecrops  

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