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One Cup of Green Tea Please

February 13, 2025

I love tea. I do drink coffee but tea is my favorite. Even in college I drank tea with my college roomates. Lets have tea I would say. Of course there were other beverages but sometimes on a Sunday afternoon we would sit in the cafeteria and drink volumes of tea as we made jokes about everything. Nothing was sacred except tea. Don’t make fun of tea.  When I started growing the tea plant from seed, I soon realized that this wonderful plant had possibilities even in cold Michigan. But how far could I take that? I love tea but how much does it cost to produce and why are there no tea plantings of any degree within the continental United States. This was my journey with the tea plant. It has ended now, but likely it will be revived as a source of endless delight on a Sunday afternoon.  I still hear the two Bruce’s laughing. I still pour the hot water from magnicent heights to obtain the perfect cup of tea rich in antioxidants while oxygenating the brew.  Now I will dream of the tea plant. More about tea in biologicalenrich below.



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