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Seeds are Available-Cultivar Releases

October 7, 2021


Selected Seeds from My Plantings-Cultivar Release and Seed Production Continues: Throughout the growing seasons, the farm at Oikos Tree Crops will continue to operate as a repository of unique perennial and woody food plants. Selected seeds and cultivars will be sold as a means to support the farm’s future endeavors, maintenance and continuation of my breeding and growing projects.  No more plants are produced or available at the nursery.  Thank you for all of your support over the years and inviting us into your backyard to make life more fruitful for you.

The website has been changed to highlight the new selections from my farm and the seeds and scions available in the dormant season.  If you subscribe to the newsletter, updates will be made available on this as well as seed production. Seeds are now packaged in bulk with emphasis on my populations of various woody tree and shrub crops. I would recommend you sign up for the newsletter. Going forward this will be the way I will share my discoveries as well as my Instagram account: #oikostreecrops. The front page of my website is my instagram account posts which you can see immediately.

  • On the farm: I will still manage to work at my farm sell the fruit I grow to processors  and continue to build a germplasm repository of edible plants. As a result, I plan to make this available to others in the forms of seeds and scions but no more plants or nursery. I will continue with my research with plants as the need to create, find and distribute the types of plants I grow is even more useful than it was 40 years ago.  For help with a specific project that you might be working on and scheduling a visit to the farm please use the contact form on the front of the website.

The R Word: Retirement:  I will doing a lot more writing and will be publishing my finds  in the newsletter and daily finds on instagram.  #oikostreecrops   One of my goals is to create large public plantings with edible plants that would not only be a place to collect fruits but also a means to develop fruits free of insects and diseases. These would be both public repositories as well as orchards or mini forests that represent the worlds flora of what we call food as well as the cultures of the world.  I plan to use my farm to educate those who wish to work in agriculture or horticulture to find and refine new food crops. There still is a strong need to create more resilient crops that create better health for humans and are profitable for the farmer.

Enjoy. Kenneth Asmus




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