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The Sloe Plum is Not that Slow

January 28, 2025

One of the most unusual fruits that I grow is the sloe plum. It is not rare or some sort of magical fruit hard to cultivate. It is quite prolific in terms of its fruit prodution and colonization of the landscape with its runners. I was perplexed on how to use it.   Over time it turned out to be one of the most challenging in terms of its resistance to black knot. This common wide spread disease is very powerful. Yet at the same time, it helped the plant adapt to its new location in North America.  I am always in awe of its flowers in spring and bright blue fruit which are nearly impossible to eat fresh off the bush.  Yet I continued with it and over time became fond of putting one fruit in my mouth at at time while picking the industrially thorned plants as if I was going to receive some sort of divine revelation while I punished myself.  If you would like to read more about my discovery of diversity and its cultivation you can read more on biologicalenrich by clicking the link below.


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