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New Harvest-Seeds-2024

Seeds currently listed are from the 2023 year and refrigerated at 38 to 42 F.  No seeds are stratified unless specifically detailed in the descriptions. All seeds are cleaned, dried down a little and made available after ripening fully and stable in storage. Seeds are then refrigerated to prevent decay or over drying. The inventory is only put up when harvested and processed. It is not a preorder type of system.  Scionwood including stolons are sent later during winter as dormant starting in January and ending in early March. The 2024 crop will start in July and go through December. There is No international shipping including Canada, pick up direct from the farm or phone orders. 


Amur Grape Seeds

Amur Grape Seeds

This species grape is said to be one of the cold hardiest fruit plants on the planet. Its deep dark ..



Antonovka Apple Seeds

Antonovka Apple Seeds

This species apple comes from Russia and is known for its ability to impart hardiness to a..



Beach Plum Seeds-Ecos

Beach Plum Seeds-Ecos

Native East Coast Species- Highly Productive-Thrives Beyond the Beach Found in sandy areas on the..



Big Hip Rose Seeds

Big Hip Rose Seeds

  Large Hips-Dense Clusters of Fruit-Easy to Process-Vitamin Rich Selected from Apple R..



Briana Apricot Seeds

Briana Apricot Seeds

Rich Apricot Flavor-Heavy Yields on a Strong Large Upright Tree-Fruit and Nut Tree Thin Shelled High..



Bright Sky Plum Seeds & Scions

Bright Sky Plum Seeds & Scions

High Quality Fruits-Prolific Production-Beach Plum Type-Clean Foliage and Fruit Dunbarii plum pro..



Brilliance Plum

Brilliance Plum

   Brilliance Plum Seeds and Scions:  Red and violet colored plums are produ..



Cathay Quince Seeds

Cathay Quince Seeds

  One of the largest fruiting quinces with incredible drought tolerance. The fruit is used..



Chickasaw Plum Seeds (Mini-Chee Variety)

Chickasaw Plum Seeds (Mini-Chee Variety)

  Bright Red Tart Fruit-Selection for Northern and Midwestern - Mini-Chee VarietyNormally ..



Dunbars Plum Seeds

Dunbars Plum Seeds

     Clean High Quality Fruits Produced with No Spray-Immune to Disease and Inse..



Ecos Crabapple Seeds

Ecos Crabapple Seeds

 Selected seedling apples from a group of seedling crabapples with very clean foliage and dense..



Ecos Red Apple Scions and Seeds

Ecos Red Apple Scions and Seeds

Dessert Quality Low Spray Apple-Ripens in September This seedling apple was found  in one of..



Flava American Plum Seeds

Flava American Plum Seeds

 Yellow fruited American plum is one of the few selections of from seed plums that can be repro..



Flava Island Beach Plum Seeds and Scions

Flava Island Beach Plum Seeds and Scions

    Yellow is Mellow Beach Plum Seeds and ScionsThis seedling group came to me f..



Gooseasaw Plum Seeds

Gooseasaw Plum Seeds

   Chickasaw and Wild Goose Plum Hybrid-Grown and Selected from Seed to Tree to Seed Again..

